O Christmas Pig


O Christmas Pig, O Christmas Pig
Come hear the choir of angels!
From Heav'n they come to sing nonstop.
Yet there you are just eating slop!
O Christmas Pig, O Christmas Pig
You missed the choir of angels!

O Christmas Pig, O Christmas Pig
Come visit with the shepherds!
By Bethlehem they watchful sat.
But no, not you, you just got fat!
O Christmas Pig, O Christmas Pig
Did you not see the shepherds?

O Christmas Pig, O Christmas Pig
Why weren't you at the stable?
The Baby cried, the cattle moo'd.
But you weren't there and now you're food!
O Christmas Pig, O Christmas Pig
You should have seen the stable!

O Christmas Pig, O Christmas Pig
Were you cooked by the Wise Men?!
Of frankincense they brought the scent,
Yet your bouquet to bacon went!
O Christmas Pig, O Christmas Pig
You were cooked by the Wise Men!

O Christmas Pig, O Christmas Pig
I'm glad you're on my table!
I'm happy to be with my fam
And now we get to share some ham!
O Christmas Pig, O Christmas Pig
I'm glad you're on my table!