Unlikely Gratitude During a Pandemic

My brain is on overdrive. This pushed me into finally having a place to type up some of my thoughts. They may be useful later.

This is unlike me, but I’ll start with some gratitude. The circumstances around the pandemic have brought about some unexpected positive consequences. Here are some of them in no particular order.

  • More family time.

  • The first time in years that the Democratic and the Republican parties have been trying to pretend like they want to work together to address a need of the people.

  • The chance to see first-hand that prophesy is a thing.

  • Opportunities to serve, and to witness service.

  • More reasons to pray.

  • More meaning to being a father and a husband.

  • An unprecedented chance for nature to recover a little from abuse and pollution.

  • More reasons to acknowledge and appreciate a wife who sets the bar for motherhood.

  • Greater appreciation for my employer.

  • Having access to the Internet.

  • Having a compelling reason to grow once more out of my comfort zone.